The purpose of this page is to inspire others to start their own authentic journey. Please upload a picture of yourself in a favorite, tasteful nude yoga picture in Asana, meditation, or just connecting with the beauty of nature. Choose a picture that displays your personality and your passion to living the Nude Yoga Lifestyle. Please also add a paragraph or two, no more than 200 words of what inspires you to practice nude yoga, and what you get out of your Nude Yoga practice.
By uploading your picture and attached story, you are giving NudeYogaLife, LLC permission to upload your content to the website and you understand the content will be viewed on the internet by any internet browsers that open this site.
- You must be 18 years to upload.
- Both Men and Women are invited to participate.
- Only enter a photo that you are directly involved in the process. If photo was taken by a professional photographer you must have permission from the photographer as the photographer has legal rights to your photo.
- Pictures that will not be approved include penetration, or that are sexually explicit in nature including oral ,anal or masturbation.
- Do not upload and picture other than of yourself. The picture you upload must be of you and only you.
- NudeYogaLife has the right to deny and to take down your picture and text down at any time. You, the uploader, also have the right to have your picture and text taken down at any time with request to Administrator. Please email to request deleting your picture and text at any time. Upon request, your information will be deleted within 72 hours of request.
Upload Guidelines:
- Images need to be jpegs and at least 800px in height and width. (right click on your picture to see dimensions).
- Images size is a maximum of 1500kb, picture can be vertical or horizontal.
- Submit image and story below, once NYL admin approves content, your material will be viewable.